A downloadable game for Windows

I decided to make a game I'm working on but in the command line

Change log


-Added Doom.txt


-Changed the message that occurs when cheats fail that tells you to notify me

-Doesn't crash when it gets a dodgy file, instead it tells you to input another one

-Support for empty text files (just makes you win)

-New game called words which is every word in the dictionary

-Added parameter support for DOS mode (cmd)

-Corrected "Console edition" to "Command-line edition"

-itch.io page is darker


AZGame 1 MB

Install instructions

How to download

1) Download AZGame

2) Right-click and press "Extract all..."

3) Press Extract

4) Open AZGame

5) Open AZGame.exe

How to create custom files

1) Make a new text file and put it anywhere

2) Edit it and make a new line for each word (case insensitive, and unordered should be fine)

3) Open AZgame and type in the file path to run it!

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